and because I got bored with the same old pose. Her is me being an idiot :)

How far along? 21 weeks.
Total weight gain: total weight gain 9 lbs. Maternity clothes? still in my normal clothes. Unless my rear gets bigger I think my jeans may fit for some time. All of my jeans are low in the front so they fit perfectly under my growing bump.
Stretch marks? No, hoping genetics favors me.
Sleep: Still sleeping well besides some crazy dreams. Last night I was marrying Taylor Lautner.
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender and naming our sweet baby boy. Also registering for the little bean.
Miss Anything? I really want a freaking deli sandwich. Preferably from Jersey Mikes which we do not have here. I swear I would eat 2 foot longs and think nothing of it.
Movement: feel movement pretty much everyday now. Last Friday the baby was doing flip flops at around 2am. It looked like a serpent was moving around in my stomach. It was so intense it actually made my stomach queasy.
Food cravings: Orange juice and oreos. I have to watch it with the Oreos. I ate a whole row the other day and could have eaten a lot more. Ooopps
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Nope!
Symptoms: my stomach is hairy and it is gross.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: How about what I am not looking forward to. This weekend it is suppose to snow. This makes me depressed and mad. I HATE snow! If it could only be 70 out, stay off the roads, and snow I wouldn't mind it. :) Oh we may go buy a couch this weekend. This is something I have been looking forward to for some time and makes me happy. We need something bigger before the baby gets here.
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